During the pandemic, my wife and I needed a way to connect with friends that wasn't just
endless Zooms. So I developed a way to play bingo online with our friends. With time on our hands, I turned it into a real production: graphics, jokes, themed weeks and of course, prizes.
Turns out a lot of people needed games in their lives at that time: we started getting contacted by people to host online birthday parties. Then baby showers, kid's parties, and reunions. Soon, companies like Red Bull, NBC and Twitch asked us to host corporate parties, fundraisers and holiday events. At our peak, we hosted parties of 3-4 games for over 500 participants. Once safe, we took our game live to a Florida conference to host in front of hundreds of people.
While this could have stayed a moment in time, the experience changed me.
Hosting is fun as hell!
Finding the balance between engaging and entertaining the audience while keeping the event focused and moving forward is a skill I've really enjoyed honing.
If you've got an event that needs a host/ moderator to ensure its success,
holler at me!
To learn more about QuaranBingo, visit the site below!